State of University-Business Cooperation in Europe

As a result of the 2009-2011 UBC study and the 2016-2018 UBC studies for the European Commission DG EAC, the consortium has published three executive summaries (English, French and German) as well as two large European reports and one case study report. All these materials are available for download below:

The State of University-Business Cooperation 2016-2018

State of UBC in Europe 2018

English Executive Summary - 2018 report

French Executive Summary - 2018 report

German Executive Summary - 2018 report

European Study to the State of University-Business Cooperation 2009-2011

State of UBC in Europe 2011

30 European good practice case studies - 2011

Country reports 2017

As a result of the 2017 UBC study, more than 20 country reports on University-Business Cooperation have been created. With more than 14,000 European academics and higher education institution (HEI) representatives and more than 3,000 business representatives responding to the survey, it makes the survey the largest study into cooperation between HEIs and business yet completed in Europe. The State of the Nation UBC Studies have been executed to provide an overview and specific insights of University-Business Cooperation on a country level. In the coming months we will be releasing all reports on this page.

Below you can download the individual HEI-perspective and business-perspective reports that been created for each country:

Country reports 2010 / 2011

As a result of the 2010/2011 UBC study, 14 country-level reports and presentations on University-Business Cooperation have been created. With 6,280 European academics and HEI representatives responding to the survey, this made the survey the largest study since 2012 on cooperation between HEIs and business completed in Europe. The State of the Nation UBC Studies have been executed to provide an overview and specific insights of University-Business Cooperation in 14 European countries.

Below you can download the individual presentations (giving an overview) and reports (providing more in-depth insights) that been created for each country:



United Kingdom

Core Partners


Country partners

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